2021 Collective Impact Grant Initiative

The Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy and the Get Georgia Reading Campaign are pleased to release the grant application for the 2021 Collective Impact Grant initiative. The Deal Center will invest in communities that use the collective impact framework to address at least three of the four pillars of the Get Georgia Reading Campaign: Language Nutrition, Access, Positive Learning Climate, and Teacher Preparation and Effectiveness by using The Basics principles and strategies to support our children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.

The purpose of the 2021 Collective Impact Grant initiative is to enhance the capacity of Georgia communities to bolster the educational and developmental outcomes of children in our most distressed communities by providing seed funding to join The Basics Learning Network and implement The Basics principles and strategies to support social, emotional, and cognitive development of children from birth to age 3.

Up to $25,000.00 will be awarded to up to ten (10) individual community applications who successfully demonstrate the ability to implement and sustain the use of The Basics principles and strategies.

The collective impact grant application is open only to organizations that submit letters of intent by March 1, 2021. Only one application will be accepted per organization. It is unlikely that $25,000 will be sufficient for continued implementation of The Basics principles and strategies; therefore, applicants must develop a plan ahead of time for sustaining and leveraging the work and sustaining the initiative and membership in The Basics Learning Network beyond the initial investment.

Please see the Overview and Guidelines document, as well as the Application document, for further information on how to apply for this grant.