Our work is grounded in the research strategy to collect, conduct, and share evidence-based research and best practices in the field of early language and literacy development. Additionally, we actively support partner organizations in an ongoing effort to add to the literature base and make improvements in early language and literacy research and recommendations. Our specific goals will help achieve our vision to propel every child to read proficiently and beyond by the end of third grade.
The Deal Center conducted an independent review of universal reading screeners that were approved by the Georgia State Board of Education in July of 2023. The Georgia Early Literacy Act (HB538) requires school districts to select a screener from the approved list by August 1, 2024 to monitor progress, measure foundational reading skills, and identify struggling students. The screeners assess both foundational literacy skills and characteristics of dyslexia. The report provides analysis of screener psychometrics, literacy components, and relative rankings.
The Deal Center partnered with the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, Georgia Council on Literacy, and Georgia Department of Education to create a district inventory to assess progress toward implementation of the Georgia Early Literacy Act (HB 538). This report provides baseline information on district implementation of HB 538 to inform statewide literacy initiatives and resource allocation.
The Deal Center convened an advisory group of experts on universal reading screeners, as mandated by SB464, to accomplish four key tasks:
Develop screener review criteria.
Set submission timelines and procedures for vendors.
Conduct an RFI process to evaluate screeners for compliance, psychometric quality, accessibility, and usability.
Submit a recommended screener list and report to the Georgia Council on Literacy and SBOE.