Literacy Screener Review
November 28, 2023
Earlier this year, the Deal Center conducted an independent review of universal reading screeners that were approved by the Georgia State Board of Education in July of 2023. The Georgia Early Literacy Act (HB538) required passage of an approved list of reading screeners from which school districts can select in order to monitor progress, measure foundational reading skills, and identify struggling students. The screeners assess both foundational literacy skills and characteristics of dyslexia.
The Deal Center evaluated the approved screening tools and ranked them based on their psychometric qualities including reliability, validity, sensitivity, and specificity. The results can be found here. Although the review was limited, it provided foundational evidence to support implementation for meaningful literacy screening of children kindergarten through third grade. We were proud to collaborate with the GA DoE and the Georgia Council on Literacy to help propel every Georgia child to read proficiently and beyond!