Founded in 2017, the Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy promotes core actions essential to supporting universal literacy throughout Georgia, propelling every child to read proficiently and beyond.
About Us
We are Georgia’s designated state research and training facility for the advancement of early language and literacy skills for children birth to age eight.
Statewide Collaborators
Our partners share a commitment to helping every child in Georgia read with competence and confidence by age eight.
Only about 2 out of every 5 eight-year-olds in Georgia are reading proficiently by the end of third grade. The Deal Center works to improve the foundation of early language and literacy to ensure all third graders are ready and able to confidently proceed to the fourth grade and beyond.
Statewide Impact
Letter from Former Georgia First Lady Sandra Dunagan Deal
Dear Friends of the Deal Center,
Governor Nathan Deal and I admire the innovative work of the Deal Center’s leadership, partners, supporters, and staff, especially in light of the many challenges presented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, the Deal Center provides professional learning along with novel research, guidance, and insight about best practices to improve reading and associated outcomes. We also are proud of the multitude of grants we have awarded and continue to offer our valuable partners.
Because we believe that Literacy Changes Lives, we strongly support the goals and work of the Deal Center. We are grateful for the labor and contributions — both time and in-kind donations — of those who believe that reading begins at home by talking to your babies and continues to preschool, grade school, and throughout life. Every child and adult should experience the joy and love of reading. Our thanks to all of you who seek to make that possible.
Mrs. Sandra Dunagan Deal
Former First Lady of Georgia