Community and Family Toolkits

Language as a Missing Link can be used to proactively employ practices that apply language as a well-being indicator to improve literacy,  mental health, and general well-being outcomes as well as impact quality of life for individuals birth through adulthood.

The Basics is a strategy for whole communities to support vibrant learning and brain development among infants and toddlers.

An organization focused on building a society that offers robust support for parents, champions families and helps all children reach their full potential.

A 501C3 organization whose funding is provided through private donations, corporate sponsorships, and grants. They deliver books to children under the age of five along with resources for parents monthly.

A collaborative public action campaign funded by United Way. Talk With Me Baby includes training on why and how it is important to talk to babies.

Prime Time programs are rooted in the humanities and focus on open-ended group discussion. They are designed to promote literacy, increase family engagement, and provide support to educators as they work to achieve positive reading outcomes for their students

ParentPowered Family Engagement Programs help districts, community organizations, and schools strengthen partnerships with families and caregivers birth–grade 12 to improve student engagement, attendance, academics, and mental health.


Further Learning


Digital Libraries